Archive for June, 2016

How to Effectively Manage Remote Employees

Posted on June 30th, 2016 in Employee Monitoring | Comments Off on How to Effectively Manage Remote Employees

Management is nothing more than motivating other people.
– Lee Iacocca

In an organization, a conference call was going on between the different team members, some of whom were located at the headquarters, while others had joined in from remote regional offices. The manager kept on distinguishing between the people working from the headquarters and the regional offices by using the phrase “us and them” throughout the call. This led to bias among the team members. A good manager would have ensured that all the team members were treated as equals and addressed in the same way.

Managing remotely located employees can be a task in itself. Not only is it difficult to keep a tab on the work of the remote employees, the assessment of their performance can also be tedious. Often, remote employees harbor emotions of distrust, demotivation, perceived unfairness, and lack of appreciation for their efforts.

As a manager, you will have to ensure that you engage remote employees, and encourage them to approach you with their problems. You should let go of your fear of ‘what are they doing at work?’ as long as they achieve the desired results. This Buzzle article intends to make you aware about effective remote employee management.

Tips for Effective Remote Employee Management
Communicate Your Goals
It is important that all employees, whether at headquarters, a remote location, or working from home, be aware about the goals of the organization, and the teams they represent. If this is not clear, they may not feel motivated to work collectively towards the accomplishment of the goals. This is especially crucial for employees working from regional offices or home, as they should be aware about the long-term and short-term goals of the organization.
Be Result Oriented
It is important that you have a result-oriented approach when dealing with employees who are not located near you. Whatever the task you allot them, you should ensure that it gets completed before the deadline. For this, you may ask them to report their progress to you every day. This will not only help keep a tab on the completion of work, but also allow you to give feedback from time to time to reduce re-work. Also, gone are the days when managers dictated the employees to work as they pleased. Accord them the freedom of working creatively, as long as they achieve the desired result.

Effective Communication
It is important that all the team members are on the same page. Hence, it is crucial that there is effective communication between all the team members. This can be done with the help of video conferencing, teleconferencing, email, chat, phone messengers, etc. You can also share files easily through Skype. There are various software which will help assign tasks to the employees. This will not only allow remote employees to stay in touch with the rest of the team, but it will also foster clarity in communication.

Clarity in Responsibilities
If you expect the remotely-located employees to read your mind, then you are going to be sorely disappointed. Give them a clear picture of your expectations. There should be absolutely no ambiguity in the roles and responsibilities of the remote employees, because they are not present at headquarters. Any misunderstanding in duties can cause a delay in the completion of a task. Hence, it is important that they have clarity about their duties and responsibilities.

Insist on Collaboration
It may so happen that employees located at remote locations may be left out during meetings and discussions. Hence, you will have to ensure that there is some collective interaction of the team through a conference call every day. It can be sharing of innovative ideas, or something related to work. It is essential that there is regular interaction between the entire team so that the company benefits from the collaboration.

Translate Organizational Culture
All the employees, including the remotely located ones, should be aware of the organizational culture. They should know about the values, policies, and work ethics followed by the organization. Newsletters, magazines, employee engagement, and announcement emails, etc., of the organization should reach these employees as well. As a manager, it is your duty to make remote employees aware about the organizational culture, which should be uniform throughout the entire organization.

Express Trust
Make it a point that you appreciate the efforts of the remote staff from time to time, to engage them and build trust. Express your belief in their talent, values, and work ethics. This will help strengthen the bond between both the teams. Not only will it motivate the remote employees, but it will also encourage them to put in their best efforts. Whenever possible, try to reward good work executed by remote employees. This will help you to build trust.

Give Regular Feedback
As these employees are at different locations, there may be chances that the work may not get completed as required. Hence, it is advisable to set objectives, monitor the executed work, and give feedback for it. By giving suggestions or feedback, you will be able to control the flow of work as well as its accuracy. Moreover, timely feedback will ensure that the work is on the right track.

Have Standardization
Whether it is policies, procedures, or processes, ensure that they are standardized throughout the organization. You cannot be biased when it comes to policies. If an employee who is working at a remote location gets warning about being lax at work, the same policy should also apply to people working at headquarters as well. Also, if you have the work flow or process documented, it will help remotely-stationed employees to follow the process and hierarchy. This will help in smooth functioning of the work.

Be Accessible
While in an office you can always stop by an employee’s desk and have a chat with him; this may not be possible for a remotely located employee. Schedule a telephone call, or send an email every now and then to inquire about him. Don’t let distance lead to ‘Out of sight, out of mind’. Whenever the employees need your help, you must be available-by phone, email, SMS or video conference. As the employees are located at a distance, it becomes even more important for you to be available for them whenever they need to consult you for flawless completion of tasks.

Help them in Networking
While water cooler conversations are not possible in case of remote employees, it is important that the team members network with each other to improve the strength of the team. This can be done through the company’s social intranet or get-togethers, which should be arranged every few months. You can even set up an intranet team page or build a virtual team room. You can celebrate e-birthdays, share photos, personal information, etc. You can even use webcams to communicate with each other. This will also lead to some informal conversation and bonding among the team members.

Detect and Resolve Problems
Sometimes, you may observe a drop in the performance, lack of motivation, unresponsiveness, dissatisfaction with work, improper tone of communication, etc., in a remote employee. All these are indicators of a problem. You will have to interact with the employee and inquire about his problems related to work. Many times due to rumors, like the employees in headquarters being given a higher raise or better opportunities for career advancement, there is a general dissatisfaction and feeling of injustice among remotely located employees. You will have to speak to them and resolve their problems and issues.

The key to managing remotely-located employees is to engage them. If the employees speak in a different language, ensure that the others talk slowly during the conference call. This will help them to comprehend the language. Be sensitive towards their language preference. Ensure that you are always in touch with remotely located employees. You must make them aware that their contribution is important for the growth of the organization. Give them performance-based rewards, and appreciate their good work. Many times, remote employees feel isolated and lose motivation; you will have to inspire them to work efficiently by using your leadership skills.

iMonitor Found A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

Posted on June 29th, 2016 in EAM Professional Edition, Employee Monitoring, IMonitor Softwares | Comments Off on iMonitor Found A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

Ok, I know that it’s not every office that has a decenter in it, but I suspected that I had an employee who was passing off what I will call “trade secrets” from my office to another company. Now, I’m not the person who won’t let employees leave to go work for someone else. I mean, if you want a new job, that’s cool. However, when you are passing information to a competitor hoping for a lucrative job offer, that’s something I cannot abide.


Anyways, the office manager and I had ideas about who this “mole” could be, but we were not sure. When everyone went home for the day, we went through and installed the employee monitoring software on every computer in the office and kept constant watch for emails and such from the guilty party to a competitor. Oddly enough, we found that there were many instances of a lack of productivity, but there was nothing that seemed troublesome.

After a few days, we wondered if were just being paranoid. Instead of uninstalling the software, we simply let the software keep working for a little while longer. It was one day that we saw an odd configuration of typing that seemed like it was going in a word document. We figured it was a code, and when we confronted the employee over this alleged “code” the employee confessed.

Unfortunately, we had to let the employee go. At least they had another job waiting for them, but we’re glad that we downloaded the software. Afterwards, we simply let the program go and did not inform the staff. However, with everyone wondering if they were being monitored, productivity improved over the next few weeks. We wanted to catch a “mole”, but we also get more out of our employees at the same time.

We have iMonitor to thank for the advanced performance of our business!

Spy on My Husband’s Computer

Posted on June 23rd, 2016 in Mac Keylogger | Comments Off on Spy on My Husband’s Computer


If, like many out there, you have a If, like many out there, you have a sneaking suspicion that your husband may be up to no good and may be playing around, you might be interested in knowing how you can spy on his text messages?suspicion that your husband may be up to no good and may be playing around, you might be interested in knowing how you can spy on his E-mail and Facebook ?

It’s quite often obvious that a cheating husband would be using his E-mail to contact the other party, whether by making direct Facebook message with them, or more often than not, by Facebook messages that they think are a safe way of communicating because they can be instantly deleted from the cell phone’s history. At the same time, incoming text messages from a secret lover can also be instantly deleted after reading, so even getting hold of his phone is not going to give you any clues about his cheating behavior.

The good news is, due to technological advances in software, there is now a way that you can monitor your husband’s computer – and even his E-mail and Facebook, if you want to go that far.

I’m not going to go into the legal issues, here. Suffice to say that in many countries and states it would be deemed illegal to spy on somebody else’s computer without their permission. I’ll leave it up to you to find out your own particular laws where you live. There are also disclaimers, warnings and further legal advice at the websites of the vendors of these products. Let me just point out that it certainly is not illegal to buy such spying programs – you just need to be careful at how you use them.

That said, the products themselves nowadays are very reliable and come with a variety of functions and applications. Once downloaded to the target computer, you will be able to get information sent to a secure online server from where you can retrieve it all whenever you wish and at your own pace. And you can do this from anywhere in the world using whatever internet-ready device that you have to hand – including your own mobile phone.

You may frequently see that there are a number of Windows devices monitor software, however, you can hardly find a monitor software for Mac.

Fortunately, now we found a Mac Monitoring Software, which can record email, chat, keystrokes, screenshots, website and other all user activities on Mac computer.



Usually, the kinds of things you can monitor vary depending on how much you want to pay. At the lower end, a basic package would give you the limited ability to spy only few things, or have limited data saving time. But Mac Keylogger is different, the different plan just have using time different. The function is all the same.

Another aspect of all of this that you should know about is that once installed on the target Mac, the software that does all of this monitoring for you is completely invisible to the user. He won’t know that it’s there and will have no way of knowing that you now have a secret window on his world that is revealing all his cheating ways to you.

I hope I’ve given a little insight into what these spying programs can do and how they work. Many thousands of cheated on people have found out the truth of the matter by using these techniques, and this has then enabled them to do whatever they need to do about the situation and get on with their lives. If you need to know how to monitor your cheating husband’s E-mail and Facebook, this is probably the cheapest, quickest and most anonymous ways of doing it and it simply works. No more misery, no more guesswork and no more anxiety from wondering what he’s been getting up to all the time – this will help you get to the truth – and FAST!



Confidential Crisis

Posted on June 21st, 2016 in EAM Professional Edition, Employee Monitoring, IMonitor Softwares | Comments Off on Confidential Crisis


NEW YORK, March 16 (Reuters) – A former Federal Reserve Bank of New York employee was spared prison on Wednesday, disappointing prosecutors who said his leaking of confidential documents to a friend at Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) justified time behind bars.

Jason Gross, 37, was fined $2,000 by U.S. Magistrate Judge Gabriel Gorenstein in Manhattan and sentenced to a year of probation with 200 hours of community service after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of theft of government property.

Prosecutors had sought six to 12 months in prison for Gross, who in November admitted to providing confidential information to Rohit Bansal, his former supervisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York who had left to work at Goldman Sachs.

But while Gorenstein said Gross had abused the position of trust he had at the New York Fed, his conviction coupled with the loss of a career had already sent “a powerful message to others.”

The case highlighted the so-called revolving door on Wall Street, in which regulators take new jobs at the banks they formerly oversaw.

The charges were announced after Goldman Sachs agreed in October to a related $50 million settlement with the New York Department of Financial Services.

According to prosecutors and New York regulators, Bansal obtained numerous documents from Gross after joining Goldman Sachs in July 2014.

Those documents included some pertaining to examinations of a bank that Goldman was advising about a potential transaction, regulators said.

Bansal shared some of the documents with others at Goldman, regulators and prosecutors said, telling them in at least one instance, “Please don’t distribute.”

In court, Bruce Barket, Gross’s lawyer, said Gross in providing Bansal the documents thought he was doing a favor for a friend who had already seen them and even created some.

“I don’t think he thought much of it,” Barket said.

Goldman has said that after discovering Bansal obtained the confidential supervisory information, it notified regulators and fired him and a more senior employee who failed to take further action. The New York Fed also fired Gross.

Bansal pleaded guilty in November to theft of government property. He is scheduled to be sentenced on Tuesday.

Illegally disclosing customer’s data or companies’ confidential by employee is happening all the time at companies everywhere. In order to prevent the unethical behavior,  the companies should do the following:

  1. Enhance education on the code of conduct in the business and confidential agreement.
  2. Strengthen security of customer archives and business confidential, preventing from any losing.
  3. The employee monitoring software is necessary, which can prevent confidential crisis and grantee data security. Help companies take steps before the data losing.

The monitoring software is just one means to keep the customer’s data and companies’ confidential safe. The more actions like optimize the management system and improve the staffs’ comprehensive quality are the key point to reduce data leaking happened.


7 Easy Ways to Cut Down on Office Print Waste

Posted on June 20th, 2016 in Print Job Monitor | Comments Off on 7 Easy Ways to Cut Down on Office Print Waste



Whether you work at an energetic startup with tight margins or some multinational with Fortune 500 credentials, minimizing the amount of paper your department unnecessarily uses will cut into your costs and free up budget room for other things—like Friday morning donuts, for example.

According to data gathered by the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance, American office workers use an average of 10,000 sheets of copy paper annually. The EPA estimates that paper and paperboard make up 40 percent of garbage in the US. And while efforts to promote recycling have made great strides, we still have considerable distance to cover.

#1 – Make recycling easy.
Print is inevitable in any office, and not everything you print is something you will store for later use. Copy paper is easy to recycle, but much of it just doesn’t find a way back into circulation because businesses don’t prioritize making recycling easy for workers.

#2 – Copy on both sides of paper.
Set your printers and copiers to use both sides of the page when printing. Doing so instantly cuts the amount of pages used per print job in half. That’s a huge amount over the course of a year or two!

#3 – Reduce document size to fit onto single page.
If you didn’t try this classic hack during college, you spent far too much valuable pizza money on paper and printing, mi amigo. Reformatting your prints to fit two pages side-by-side on the page cuts the amount of paper you use in half, and if you print front-and-back that’s three sheets of paper saved for every one used.

#4 – Check out the first and last page.
When you print articles from the web, a lot of times the printer isn’t automatically optimized for the page and can include links, headers, et cetera. When your print preview comes up, take a look to see that you aren’t printing something you don’t need. While this may only save a page or two on every other article, over time it will help you minimize the amount of paper waste you are producing right out of the printer. Similarly, articles with extensive comment sections can run several extra pages of print you usually don’t need.

#5 – Lighter weight paper.
Lighter paper requires less wood pulp to produce. That means less material investment going into your paper and less work necessary during the recycling process. Your day to day business needs don’t require heavier paper stock in most cases. In those instances where you need to make an impression with your print quality, you can manually load better paper into the printer. This also helps minimize costs, as lighter weight paper is often less expensive. Bonus!

#6 – Proofread before you print.
Noticing a typo on something you just printed isn’t just frustrating—it’s wasteful. When you preview your print, give each page one final run through to make sure no glaring errors will result in waste.

#7 – Print management software.
Medium-sized and larger offices can benefit greatly by using print monitoring software to help regulate cloud printing and track data, and log printed documents Popular management programs like Print Job Monitor expressly designed to limit the amount of paper waste your company uses.
The most important thing about reducing your waste is being conscious about how you manage the resources you can control. Reducing total costs opens up budgetary space to buy more recycled products, as well as things like biodegradable plastic cutlery for the office kitchen and a whole lot more.


Did she cheating on me?

Posted on June 17th, 2016 in phone spy | Comments Off on Did she cheating on me?

It’s no secret that relationships are built on trust, but sometimes that is not enough and you need to resort to other methods in an attempt to make sure your wife is completely honest and faithful.

Sometimes, the only way to tell if a wife is cheating is to go behind her back and start spying on her in some shape or form. Back in the day, husbands would hire Private Eyes who would do all the snooping. They’d go out and tail the wife, probably snapping photographs of her in uncompromising positions or tracing her to some surreptitious meeting with another man in a Motel room in the next town. Of course, guys simply don’t have the time to do all that themselves; especially if the wife is being ultra-cautious and making sure that they only do their cheating when he’s otherwise indisposed at work or some other event that he cannot get out of. Cheating wives (and husbands for that matter!) can be sneaky like that. It’s a part and parcel of cheating and it means that finding out the truth can sometimes be really difficult.

There is a story about Edwin and her wife,

”Me and my wife are married with a 2 year old boy. My wife had been texting a guy named Josh that would come see her at work and flirt with her. I told her that I didn’t feel comfortable with it and for her to stop. So she stopped,  at least I thought she did. She put a fingerprint lock on her phone and starting hanging out with a girlfriend of her’s named Elizabeth. So i was wondering, Is there a way to spy on my wife’s messages and calls?  Luckily, I found a Android  phone spy software to help me monitor my wife’s phone. Without get past her fingerprint lock on her phone, I can monitor her messages on my computer or cellphone anytime. And I found that she was texting someone named Nikki. Once I dug deeper, I realized the Nikki person was just a fake contact for josh. I found out that they had been see each other for about 2 months and going the bar frequently. I saw messages between them two and took pictures and showed them to my wife,  and she finally confessed after 2 months of lying.

I was divorced from my wife,  and i got the custody of my daughter.”

We all don’t want to see this kind of tragedy, but we need to face the reality. Something that has occurred in recent times, however, is the trend of spying on mobile phones. A guy put it to me, bluntly, recently like this: “I need to read my wife’s text messages.” 


  1. Calls : Calls will be made into recordings upload to your account that you can check anytime you like.
  2. Contacts: Record all contacts information(names & phone number)stored in the cell-phone.
  3. SMS Messages: All messages sent and received will be uploaded to your account for you to view any time.
  4. Website Visited:Record when and what web sites have been visited. You can also track all URLs.
  5. GPS Locations: Track the location of your mobile phone, displays detailed address with Google Map.
  6. App Usage: Record all applications run on the cellphone with viewing App name and Packet name.
  7. Photos: All photos and videos will be uploaded to your iMonitor account from the mobile phone.

The phone spy software is indispensable when it comes to tracking down your wife’s, children’s and staff’s mobile activities, choose it in time of need!

Monitor your kids’ computer?

Posted on June 15th, 2016 in anywheremonitor | Comments Off on Monitor your kids’ computer?

”My son is now 13 and spending a lot of time chatting on the computer, and I want to monitor his usage, including keystroke monitoring. It’s better a remote keylogger software.”

If you search ”monitor kids’ computer” on Google, you may see a bunch of  questions like this. As we all know that the social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, etc,  has been integrated into the lives of our children. They spend a substantial amount of time on it chatting with their friends. This doesn’t look like a problem at first glance, but it certainly has become a huge nuisance. They succumb to all sorts of bad habits which are hard to let go if not nipped in the bud at early stages.

The spread of cellphones and tablets in the hands of children has complicated matters, giving rise to applications that attract the young and worry parents. Earlier this month, for instance, came revelations that an app designed for flirting, called Skout, had led to three sexual assault cases involving children across the country. Even on Facebook, studies have repeatedly shown, there are plenty of children younger than 13, the minimum age for members, and many of them join with help and supervision from their parents.

Penetrating the surface there are more deeper reasons, explained why social network monitoring is necessity to be monitored.  

Developing Habit of Using Profane Language

When talking to their friends, kids sometimes get out of hand and start using profane language. Because there’s no one to stop them, they keep on doing it and soon it becomes a habit. This same language is then integrated into their regular conversations, which is something that’s going to hurt them for life. It’s up to you to save them from this problem and the only way you can achieve this feat is by monitoring their Facebook conversations. As soon as they start using abusive language with anyone, intervene right away and explain to them how this habit can take a toll on their social standing, and personal and professional relationships. Even if your words don’t get through to them, they’ll definitely fall in line when they realize that their parents are keeping an eye on them.

Online Predators on the Hunt

Kids add people they don’t know and start to converse with them for no apparent reason. These added individuals can turn out to be online predators who are always on the hunt for unsuspecting youngsters. They tell them made up stories to gain their attention, and then they try their very best to arrange a meeting with them. This strategy works a lot more than any parent would feel comfortable with. You certainly don’t want this to happen to your little ones, which is why it is recommended that you seek help from a monitoring solution to keep an eye on their Facebook chats. If you see them talking to someone who seem a bit suspicious, inquire about them, and if your kids don’t know about them, then conduct your own research about them.

The Potent Risk of Sexting
Sexting is another big problem that has been causing a lot of issues these days. Children send provocative messages to each other. Sometimes it goes beyond that and they start sharing revealing pictures of themselves with people they haven’t even met in real life. This trend has really taken off lately as kids add random people, talk to them, get intimate with them, and start to exchange pictures and videos that are inappropriate to say the least. The person they are sexting can, and often does, share the photos and videos on a public platform. This is a very real threat and has been plaguing the current generation since the arrival of Facebook. If you crave safety and privacy of your children, then you must get help from a monitoring tool because that is the only way for you to know if your kid is engaging in sexting. This will put an end to it before things get out of hand.

However, for some parents, they’d rather to discuss with their children. They holds an opinion that  discussion is a good place to start. Installing internet blocking software is one approach. Another is to set family limits — that everyone in the family obeys — for computer or online time. We can not say their choice is wrong, but don’t forget our children they are not babies anymore, we can not control what they want to do. And the children spend half a day at school that we can not keep eye on them anytime.

What we expect, is not forbid our children do something, is we want to know what they are doing, thinking; we want to know more about them. Only we know better about them, we can discuss better to them.

We do need a computer monitoring software for our children. If you are going to keep your child safe from inappropriate content and cheaters browsing the Internet, take advantage of  keylogger software and become more aware of your children computer use.

Why do we need employee monitoring software?

Posted on June 14th, 2016 in IMonitor Softwares | Comments Off on Why do we need employee monitoring software?


Once every few months, we could see  the news on the morning daily like: ”XXX Company Employee behind the Bars for Confidential Data Transfer”. For some fortunately companies, they could trace out the employee emails and employee was handed over to police. Such cases happen when there is improper investigative techniques followed by companies or there is leniency in supervisory measures by the company.  However, there are some companies they could only watch all these happening and nothing to do.

Here we can blame the human supervisory activities but also cannot deny that a supervisor has its own limitations and cannot monitor every employee for his activities either by standing behind or constantly taking rounds of the work area.  So for some companies, they employ several techniques to restrict transfer of confidential data and misuse of the official working hours, some include blocking of emails exceeding of certain size, blocking specific websites, no internet access and many other, but still employees manage to cross these settings and gain access to such restrictions. For some people in IT field,  no matter what website was blocked in their office but now they have gained access to that by modifying some settings. Employees with advanced knowledge easily perform such activities and also help others to access restrictions.

So there are some limits, restrict is not enough; we need something which is all-in-one solution to restrict and monitor the employee’s behavior, to avoid the things like these happened. An employee monitoring software proves its usefulness here, as it eliminates dependency on level of human supervisory and promotes invisible monitoring efficiently.

Employee monitoring in past several years has taken a roar and is continuously practiced by employers for the security of their data.  We need to force some problems like how to protect the employee’s privacy? How can an employer save confidential data from getting transferred to wrong hands?  Is this behavior legal?

Let’s analyze the major factors which lead to implementation of monitoring software at workplace, and it is legal and available to use that at the workplace.

Webmail: Email service providers like Gmail and Yahoo mail, etc are constantly used by employees to transfer corporate information amongst themselves, but while transferring important data they forget that they are using a third party server to transfer their confidential data which can be accessed by anyone who subpoenas it from these email service providers . As a result the corporate secrets also get saved on the third party server which can prove harmful as you cannot rely on treatment of your confidential data by any other party. The employee monitoring software can monitor the whole mail sending and receiving process and copy the data to local disk.

Instant Messengers: IM Chats are used to talk and send confidential data as the transfer process is easy and enables large file size transfers. But doing it instantly also creates insecurity for confidential corporate data. Similar to webmail transfer instant messaging also promotes data leakages and employee sabotages. The employee monitoring software can timely monitor the employee’s chat. You don’t even to focus on the screen all day, just set few keywords,  the alarm will sound and a screen shot will also be taken and an instant notification be sent to the manager’s side immediately whenever keyword captured.

Employee’s Privacy: Despite the recent appearance of these high-tech monitoring systems, employee monitoring is not new to the business world. What has changed in more recent years is the method of supervision and the extent of information gathering capabilities available. Electronic monitoring, although newer in origin, is intrinsically no more invasive than traditional supervision. For some employees, it may actually be less invasive than direct personal supervision.

Employee monitoring often is in conflict with employees’ privacy. Monitoring often collects not only work-related activities, but also employee’s personal, not related to work information. Monitoring does not mean that there are no limits to what should be collected. Monitoring in the workplace may put employers and employees at odds because both sides are trying to protect personal interests. Employees want to maintain privacy while employers want to ensure company resources aren’t misused. In any case, companies can maintain ethical monitoring policies by avoiding indiscriminate monitoring of employees’ activities.The employee needs to understand what is expected of them while the employer needs to establish that rule.

Promoting the data safe is benefit for every of us, for companies better developing and us better living.

What can Print Job Monitor do for you?

Posted on June 13th, 2016 in Print Job Monitor | Comments Off on What can Print Job Monitor do for you?

Businessman stressed and overworked yelling in office

”We waste a lot of papers, I knew my employees were printing personal documents but i can’t figure out who they are cuz i don’t have any evidence, such annoying !”—— Glynne

”This is the confidential documents of my business, I’m so afraid of my employees would copy and leak it out……”—— Barkley

Print Job Monitor is the best solution which can solve those problems for you.

What is Print Job Monitor?

Print Job Monitor is a well designed software that allows you to remote monitor all printers and print activities in your office, and it could monitor multiple devices at the same time from one centralized location. This software can be used by anyone at home, school and office for their own requirements and purposes.

Print Job Monitor allows you to see real time printer’s printing status and log all job information such as printer name, IP address, document name, computer name, user name, number of copies, pages printed, paper size, etc. It also can save the print job information into centralized database to allow you to analyze and track printer’s usage later.

” Sounds good! But if my employees would notice that they were being monitored? Does it have Stealth mode?  will the user find it? 

Yes, the Print Job Monitor works on stealth mode, it works in totally stealth mode without any message & window popups, and protected by your iMonitor Web Console account password.

” I’m not the professional IT guy, so i want to know it’s hard to install and use?

Print Job Monitor is a could based printer monitoring software, just need to install the program on the target computer, and user can log in the online console to monitor the printer activities. The whole installation is sample, the using is also convenient. 

” I’ve noticed that there are other print job monitor software, so what’s your advantages? ”

Our biggest advantage is that we use online console which can maximum to facilitate the using process. It  breaks the limits of location, users can monitor wherever they are as long as the internet access. Expect the online viewing, the users are also able to export print logs and saved in local. 

For provide the best service for the customers, we use high performance server to ensure that there is no delaying when users are viewing the logs.