As employers, can you imagine the consequence of managing your employees just like what people did in past days? Computers along with internet has been commonly introduced in almost all the enterprises and obviously, employee’ s work-flow such as designing, developing or communicating with clients has to be achieved by various applications and computer programs. It is a hot potato that threatened employers’ highly efficient management with confronting with such issues nowadays.
According to the survey, 83% of employees take confidential files with them before resignation; 80% of the world’s enterprises have the risk of information leakage; One out of every 400 mails letters contains sensitive information; 96% of the confidential issues caused by employees’ wrongdoing or malicious acts.
So now it is a necessary to have a computer monitoring software to help you manage your company. It is crucial to manage and evaluate your employees with a powerful tool – iMonitor EAM. With iMonitor EAM software, employees productivity and computer activities are analyzed and sorted daily, weekly and monthly. All the data and statistics saved and record automatically, which will never lie to you!
iMonitor EAM is a local-based monitoring system for monitoring employee behavior. It is composed of an agent, a console and a server program. The console and the server are used to install on the manager’s computer. The agent is used to install on the employee’s computer and enter the EAM server computer’s IP address on the agent computer. After the above steps, you can log on the EAM console to monitor the staff computer, and if you want to view the computer’s logs, just need to check the specific options. Please note that iMonitor EAM server and console program support Windows system, but the agent program supports all Windows systems, Mac OS 10.8+ systems and Linux.
It is an easy-to-use surveillance software that provides total employee monitoring solution to enterprises at any size – from large ones to small and medium-size enterprise. Surveillance software like ours is committed to catch and record employees’ computer activities stealthily in 360 degrees, protecting and growing your business by catching and recording employees’ computer activities including online chats, Email, web mail, websites visited, keystroke typed, online storage usage, website search history, download and uploading details, program usage and time, and a lot more, which has wined millions of users’ trust and praise.
iMontor EAM can help you in following fields:
1. Improve Employee Productivity
In his article ”8 Compelling Reasons Why Businesses Should Track Their Employees’ Time”, author Jimmy Rodela notes that employees tend to be more conscious of how they spend their time at work if they know their activities are being monitored. This awareness translates to increased productivity. Furthermore, monitoring employees helps managers adapt to any problems that arise in the field allowing them to be handled more quickly. This ability leads to a boost in productivity because less time is wasted dealing with problems after the fact.
2. Handle Budgets Better
Sometimes it’s hard to judge how much time, effort, and resources will be needed to complete a given project. A manager can assume that projects for high-priority clients will need more attention than those for a client who brings in less revenue, but this assumption isn’t the best way to go about allocating funds. With employee tracking in place, managers can see how much time a representative typically spends with a given client and the types of activities he or she performs for that client. This data gives managers a better sense of that particular client’s needs and lets them allot funds and human capital accordingly. The more knowledge managers have of client-employee relationships, the better able they are to distribute organizational resources appropriately.
3. Assess Employee Output
Another benefit of tracking employees is the ability to measure the output of their work as it’s happening. By doing this, managers can see if the right employees are being assigned to the right projects. For example, if a particular employee’s output for a given task is below average, he or she may not be the best fit for that assignment. This indication can lead managers to purposefully coach that representative or potentially appoint a new representative to the project.
4. Manage Project Timelines Effectively
It is likely that managers will outline a timeline for a project before assigning tasks. With employee monitoring in place, managers can track the time employees are spending on a project and the types of activities they carrying out and see if they are aligning with the proposed timeline. Insights gained from this data can lead managers to coach employees as needed to ensure they are working efficiently or possibly design a new timeline. Either way, monitoring will prevent projects from being delayed because of inefficiencies in the field.
At last, this is the website for your reference: http://www.imonitorsoft.com/