Coelho Júnior points out that the personal email (webmail) can not be “invaded” by the company, and he has every right not to allow their use during work hours. Besides monitoring of actions taken on the computer, blocking certain websites and programs that have no direct relation to the work is common practice in companies. The expert himself uses all these resource within his office, both to prevent the leak of confidential information as to increase productivity. “So also take this opportunity to retract the rule that ‘in house blacksmith, the spit is pau'” he jokes. Director of Technology Marcadé clothes Via Veneto, Ricardo Popescu also think it is important to control the access of the approximately 300 employees of the company who work with computers.
The expert in information security and cybercrime expert Wanderson Castilho installs system that monitors computers investigates possible suspicions crime committed by employees of the companies who hire their services.
“Right now I’m handling the case of an employee with 11 years of service, 8 months pregnant, and that every month diverts small amounts of money from the company. The sum total is already quite significant, “he reveals.
“Everything is registered and it is possible to recover any data, even deleted and formatted” he says. Castillo explains that there are several ways to monitor a computer network, such as software that take “photos” of the screen (print screen) every five seconds, for example, and store them in a database.
“On average, for a network with 20 machines are now spends about $ 7mil deR to install the entire system on the server,” he says. For the employee, it’s common sense. “It is essential to use the internet with the utmost caution in the workplace, seeking to preserve is embarrassing,” advises attorney Luiz Gustavo da Silveira, who coordinates the Computer Law in an office in Belo Horizonte. For businesses, Silveira echoes with Jr. Rabbit “Employers should let everyone informed in a clear, preferably in writing, about the policies of internet usage”
The company, he says, “buy” employee time and provides the equipment and tools so it can work in his favor. “So even if you have free access, do not commit abuses,” he advises.

office-computerCoelho Júnior points out that the personal email (webmail) can not be “invaded” by the company, and he has every right not to allow their use during work hours. Besides monitoring of actions taken on the computer, blocking certain websites and programs that have no direct relation to the work is common practice in companies. The expert himself uses all these resource within his office, both to prevent the leak of confidential information as to increase productivity. “So also take this opportunity to retract the rule that ‘in house blacksmith, the spit is pau'” he jokes. Director of Technology Marcadé clothes Via Veneto, Ricardo Popescu also think it is important to control the access of the approximately 300 employees of the company who work with computers.

The expert in information security and cybercrime expert Wanderson Castilho installs system that monitors computers investigates possible suspicions crime committed by employees of the companies who hire their services.

“Right now I’m handling the case of an employee with 11 years of service, 8 months pregnant, and that every month diverts small amounts of money from the company. The sum total is already quite significant, “he reveals.

“Everything is registered and it is possible to recover any data, even deleted and formatted” he says. Castillo explains that there are several ways to monitor a computer network, such as software that take “photos” of the screen (print screen) every five seconds, for example, and store them in a database.

“On average, for a network with 20 machines are now spends about $ 7mil deR to install the entire system on the server,” he says. For the employee, it’s common sense. “It is essential to use the internet with the utmost caution in the workplace, seeking to preserve is embarrassing,” advises attorney Luiz Gustavo da Silveira, who coordinates the Computer Law in an office in Belo Horizonte. For businesses, Silveira echoes with Jr. Rabbit “Employers should let everyone informed in a clear, preferably in writing, about the policies of internet usage”

The company, he says, “buy” employee time and provides the equipment and tools so it can work in his favor. “So even if you have free access, do not commit abuses,” he advises.