
I cannot install the agent on another pc to monitor, could you help me?

iMonitor: Hello, How may I help you?

Customer: Hi.I cannot install the agent on another pc to monitor, could you help me?

iMonitor: Of course.Is it IMonitor EAM?

Customer: Yes.

iMonitor: Trial version or full version?

Customer: Full paid version.

iMonitor: Please tell me the version number.

Customer: Where can I find that?

iMonitor: Please tell me more details about your issue.You can see the version number in the window caption.

Customer: i have a 3 pc license, i installed on he server PC correctly and i am monitoring 1 pc running win 7 successfully, but i cannot get the 2nd pc running win 8 to work.

iMonitor: Give me your version number please.

Customer: I have shut off windows firewall and windows defender on that win 8 pc.The version number is 7.7.

iMonitor: I'm sorry,but version 7.7 doesn't support windows 8.The latest version is 8.52 now.

Customer: Do i have to pay the full price or is there an upgrade option?

iMonitor: No, 50% discounts for old users.

Customer: How do i get the 50% off, is there a promo code?

iMonitor: Please wait, I will send it to you.

Customer: So if i understand correctly, with this purchase, i am able to run the server on a win 7 pc and monitor one win 7 pc and 2 win 8 pcs?

iMonitor: Yes, you are right, coupon code: .....

Customer: Great!Then should i download the latest version and buy it with this code?

iMonitor: Yes.

Customer: Thank you!

iMonitor: You are welcome.

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