
What type of alerts can imonitor soft setup?

iMonitor: Hello, How may I help you?

Customer: Hi,What type of alerts can imonitor soft setup?

iMonitor: File copy, move, usb device, print, block website/application, keyword detected….

Customer: How about if someone emails an attachment to a gmail, yahoo or hotmail account?

iMonitor: No alert of these activities, but you can see the details.

Customer: Is the web filtering per user or global?

iMonitor: Per computer.

Customer: Are you aware of soft activity and how do you compare?

iMonitor: You can compare which one can meet your requirements.For software products,a free trial will be better than reading the webpages.

Customer: OK,I will do the free trial. Is the software visible to the user?

iMonitor: No,it's in the hidden mode。

Customer: OK,thank you.

iMonitor: You are welcome.

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