
Does the imonitor EAM soft can tell us how much time the Employee is idle and not working on Desktop?

iMonitor: Hello, How may I help you?

Customer: Hi,IMonitor.I need to clarify a report which can be generated from iMonitor.

iMonitor: No problem.

Customer: Can we generate Employee idle Time Report ? (Meaning how much time Employee is idle, not working on Desktop.)

iMonitor: Yes, iMonitor EAM can summarise the imonitored PC run time and idle time for each PC.

Customer: The idle time is meant by Switched OFF time or User is not doing any task on the Desktop ?

iMonitor: IDLE time is the time user's not doing any operation such as keyboard typing and mouse clicking.

Customer: Can you share a sample report, so that we can share it with my boss?

iMonitor: Sure, wait a moment please.

Customer: Per report per user or a single Report which contains all users idle and working time?

iMonitor: Per user,and also a summary of all PCs. Can I send the screenshot to ......?

Customer: Sure.And one more question,the Centralized Management Console is Application based or Web based?

iMonitor: iMonitor EAM is an application.

Customer: OK.Please share a sample report of per User/Desktop and a employee working Summary Report which will have all Users /Desktops IDLE and Working time to my email ID... Thank you.

iMonitor: I have sent the picture to your e-mail, please check it and if you have any other question, please feel free to contact us.

Customer: I got the image.It has only one computer under Computer Usage Table,So is this image the Per Desktop right?

iMonitor: Yes,have you installed the free trial?

Customer: Not yet.

iMonitor: I suggest you install the trial version firstly, so you can show a live demo for your boss.

Customer: OK.Thank you.

iMonitor: You're welcome.

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