
I don't have a static internet IP address,but i want to monitor oversea client computers.What should i do?

iMonitor: Hello, How may I help you?

Customer: Hi,i have installed imonitor EAM standard version in my new pc,and i have also installed the agent file in another pc but i am unable to connect the main pc to the pc i need to monitor.I am using the internet to connect.Are you able to help me?

iMonitor: How about your server ip? Is it a static Internet ip address?

Customer: No,i followed this: Can I Monitor EAM monitor client computers from the internet? A: Yes, If your EAM server computer use static internet IP address, it will be very easy, you only need to input the server ip address while installing the agent program. If you do not have a static internet ip address and you want to monitor computers on the internet (for example oversea client computers), you can setup DDNS and register a free domain to deploy IMonitor EAM server on the internet.I have check the DDNS setup guide.

iMonitor: OK.

Customer: I have created an account with,but i'm not clear about step 5:After checking, to see if the DDNS status is successful.You will now need to set up port-forward. In order to port forward, you must have access to your router. For example, the router we are using is Linksys E3200 and the IP address for this particular router is If you're using a different router, please check with your provider or check with your routers manufacture website for that information.And you must add ports forwarding rule into your router, and forword the ports below to the EAM server computer's network IP address, for example our EAM server's ip address is ...... Ports: ...... Protocol: All (TCP and UDP). IP address: Your EAM server's network IP address.

iMonitor: You have to set ports forwording in your router.

Customer: I don't know how to do this step,the PCs will be moved to another location.Does it mean i need to redo this step again?

iMonitor: Please check your firewall and router settings.

Customer: Do i need to change the settings in the firewall?And do i need to check the main pc or the agent pc?

iMonitor: You can disable the firewall to check if it is a firewall problem.

Customer: This is what i have done: 1.install imonitor EAM on Main PC. Obtained the IP address on Main PC. 2.Install agent file in 2nd PC and input the above IP address from Main PC. Are these steps correct?So now i have to disable firewall on which PC?

iMonitor: You have to input the noip domain name.

Customer: OK.Give me a moment.

iMonitor: OK.

Customer: OK,i have input the noip IP address in the agent install setup in the 2nd pc.May i know the next step?

iMonitor: How many computers do you want to monitor?

Customer: 2.

iMonitor: Maybe you can try our imonitor keylogger pro.

Customer: I have 3 PCs.Thank you but that is not what i need.

iMonitor: It'OK.

Customer: I have 3 PCs of which 2 are to be monitored.Do u have video on the installation for this configuration.

iMonitor: You can read the noip documents.

Customer: I have,but i still have diffculty understanding it.The last part.I have set up port-forward,what do i need to do next?

iMonitor: Forwording the ports to your main pc ip address,the main pc must use static ip.If you have done that,please open eam console and refresh the agent list.

Customer: OK, I will try it again,thank you.

iMonitor: You're welcome.

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