The term remission is also used to refer to the forgiveness or tolerance of harm or misdemeanour, or the act by which confiscation or punishment is granted. The discharge of the debt is either conventional if it is expressly granted to the debtor by an alienated creditor; or tacitly, if the creditor voluntarily surrenders the original title under private signature to his debtor giving rise to the obligation. Remission is also the forgiveness or forgiveness of a crime. As a result, the perpetrator is put back in the same situation as he was before the crime was committed. The decree is generally granted in cases where the offence was involuntary or committed in self-defence. A waiver is usual if it is obtained by an express concession to the debtor by a creditor. It is tacit that the creditor makes a voluntary transfer of the original asset to the debtor under a private signature, which constitutes the obligation. The decree is also used by ordinary lawyers to express the act by which confiscation or punishment is granted. This is usually done by the courts, where they have a margin of appreciation under the law: for example, if a juror is fined for not participating in court after being duly summoned and presenting evidence in court when it appears that he might be sick and not present, the fine is transferred by the court. In commercial law, ordering means sending money, invoices, or something that fits the purpose of the money. .