Generate a data collection worksheet based on your specific attribute agreement analysis. Minitab requires a specific data organization for attribute agreement analysis to work properly. Use this tool to create a spreadsheet to organize data collection for proper data analysis in Minitab. Text/numeric standard (optional): Enter text or numbers to specify the default or known attribute value for each sample. Depending on your default selection from the drop-down list, you may be using text, numbers, or this column may not exist. In this example, the values in Parts 3, 4, 5, and 9 are outside the specification limits (.45 to .545). Therefore, the reference values in column K show all “successes” except these parts. Now compare the reviewers` answers with the reference and see which values turn red. By column BD: BF is the most accurate examiner B with only 5 missed shots, while examiner C only made 40 measurements out of 50 correctly.

All evaluators had an unacceptable failure rate of more than 5% (BE25:27). Specify the number of examples, reviewers, and replicas; Optionally, you can specify default values, sample and reviewer names, and random data collection. For more information about the different ways to randomize your study, see Randomizing Spreadsheets. Number of samples: Enter the sample size. You must have at least 2 samples but can have up to 200. .